Motorcycle Safety Tips

A good driving record is essential to maintaining affordable motorcycle insurance premiums. San Antonio, TX residents are required to purchase motorcycle liability coverage in the amount of $30,000 per person for injuries or death, or $60,000 per wreck, and $25,000 in property damage. Your knowledgeable Versatile Insurance Planners representative can go over the appropriate level of coverage for you. 

A safety course can go a long way to helping you navigate the rules of the road and can also lower the cost you pay for indemnification. It can strengthen your defensive driving technique and allow you to easily spot hazards while riding. 

Another critical aspect of responsibly riding a chopper is to check the weather before heading out. Roadway conditions can affect your vehicle in ways a car or truck wouldn’t be impacted, and you’ll want to avoid situations where you could lose traction, such as snow or ice. Fog is another element wherein you may be in danger, as you won’t be as visible to other drivers. 

Proper gear, including leather garments such as jackets, gloves, pants, and chaps, is essential for surviving a collision. Eyes should be protected with goggles, and it is recommended that your helmet and other apparel are DOT approved. Layers are also vital for protecting the skin from severe injuries and road rash. 

Excessive speed is to be avoided, and you must do your part to obey all traffic rules. Use turn signals and avoid riding in drivers’ blind spots. 

Versatile Insurance Planners Are Here to Help

We specialize in offering insurance products and services to meet our client’s needs, and we look forward to working with you. Reach out to us today for more information, and we serve those who live in and around San Antonio, TX. 

Does motorcycle insurance cover me if I drive with a suspended license?

If you have a motorcycle in San Antonio, TX, and your license is suspended, you may wonder what type of insurance coverage you need. Versatile Insurance Planners has you covered with the answers to all your questions about motorcycle insurance and driving with a suspended license. Read on to find out what kind of protection will keep you safe while riding around San Antonio!

What Type of Insurance Do I Need?

The type of insurance that’s required for motorcycle riders is similar to the coverage that all other drivers must carry. That includes liability insurance to cover costs associated with injuries or property damage that occur during an accident and uninsured motorist coverage for when the at-fault driver doesn’t have enough insurance to cover the expenses. However, if your license is suspended, it’s important to note that some insurers may not offer coverage for drivers who cannot operate their vehicles legally.

Can I Legally Drive With a Suspended License?

The answer is no—not without risking severe penalties like fines or jail time. In addition, driving without valid insurance can lead to further legal trouble if an accident occurs while driving illegally. So it’s always best practice to follow the law and ensure you carry valid motorcycle insurance even if your license is suspended.

In short, the best way for someone to avoid legal trouble whose license has been suspended in San Antonio, TX is by obtaining proper motorcycle insurance coverage before getting back on the road. No matter what kind of situation you find yourself in, having adequate motorcycle insurance is essential for anyone riding in San Antonio! Contact Versatile Insurance Planners today, and we’ll help you find the available options that best suit your situation.

Required Commercial Insurance in Texas

If you own a Texas business, it’s vital that you have all of the insurance policies you need to protect it. Insurance can protect the business, yourself, your employees, and the public. General liability insurance is often recommended for businesses, but the state doesn’t require it. Another great type of coverage is cyber insurance, but it isn’t mandated to have it. There is one type mandated for many businesses, but it’s important to know what it is and whether you need it. Call us at Versatile Insurance Planners in San Antonio, TX to get started when you need business protection. 

Insurance for Business-Owned Vehicles

If your business is the legal owner of a vehicle, that vehicle has to be covered by a commercial auto insurance policy by state law. This insurance policy will cover both property damage liability and bodily injury liability. Both of these coverage types are required to be in the policy. In addition, you can add other coverage to the policy to cover your property damage or other problems that can happen to your vehicle. Getting collision and comprehensive coverage will keep your vehicle well-protected, as well as protect your finances. 

Workers’ Comp Insurance

While other states require employers to have workers’ compensation insurance within their states, that isn’t the case in Texas. Businesses in the state aren’t required until they contract with government bodies. Though it usually isn’t required, it’s highly recommended to save your business from lawsuits and substantial medical bills if you should have an employee get injured on the job. 

Cover Your Business With Commercial Insurance

When you need commercial insurance to cover your business, call us at Versatile Insurance Planners in San Antonio, TX.

I’m Renting Out My Home. Do I Need To Get Home Insurance?

Whether renting out a room in your home to make some extra cash or leasing out your entire property, it’s essential to have the right insurance in place. If something happens to your property while it’s being rented out, you could be liable. That’s why it’s crucial to have home insurance that covers rental properties. Let’s discuss whether or not you need rental property insurance and what it covers.

Why You Need Home Insurance for Renting

If you’re renting out a room in your home, your homeowner’s insurance policy will likely cover any damages that occur to the property. However, most homeowners insurance policies will not provide coverage if you’re leasing out an entire property. That’s because when you’re renting out a property, it’s considered a business venture. As such, you’ll need to purchase a separate policy that specifically covers rental properties.

What Rental Property Insurance Covers

Rental property insurance is designed to protect you from financial losses that could occur as a result of damages to your property or injuries that occur on the property. It will also cover you if your tenants cause damage to the property. Most rental property insurance policies will cover the following:

  • Property damage caused by tenants or their guests
  • Injuries that occur on the property
  • Loss of income if the property becomes uninhabitable due to damages
  • Legal expenses if a tenant sues you

How Much Does Rental Property Insurance Cost?

The cost of rental property insurance will vary depending on several factors, including the value of your property, the location of your property, and the amount of coverage you need. The type of tenants you have can also impact the cost of your insurance. For example, if you’re renting to college students, you may pay more for insurance than renting to families. To get an accurate estimate of how much it will cost to insure your rental property, speak to Versatile Insurance Planners in San Antonio, TX.


If you’re renting out your home, it’s essential to have the right insurance in place. Rental property insurance will protect you from financial losses resulting from damages to your property or injuries that occur on the property. To get an accurate estimate of how much it will cost to insure your rental property, speak to Versatile Insurance Planners in San Antonio, TX today.

Reasons You May Be Denied Motorcycle Insurance

If you have a history of accidents, moving violations, or tickets, your insurer may be less likely to provide you with a policy. 

Some policies may not be available if you do not meet a minimum age requirement or your motorcycle does not have liability insurance. 

Many policies also require that you have a certain amount of experience on your motorcycle. Versatile Insurance Planners in San Antonio, TX can help if you’ve questions. 

What’s Involved in Motorcycle Insurance Denial 

Motorcycle insurance is not one-size-fits-all, and every policy comes with specific terms and conditions that must be met to be insured. To be granted a policy, the insurer will likely request information about your riding history, bike, and driving record. 

If you have declined coverage or your premium is significantly higher than other drivers, know that you may have violated one or more of these conditions.

The most common reasons for denial of motorcycle insurance are driving violations, a lack of motorcycle experience, and insufficient proof of liability insurance. Other causes may include:

  • For drivers under the age of 21, most insurers will require a parent or guardian to sign an endorsement on the policy
  • For drivers over the age of 69, most insurers will require a doctor’s statement to sign an endorsement on the policy 
  • For drivers with a record of DUIs, most insurers will require a doctor’s statement to sign an endorsement on the policy 
  • Most insurers will require a doctor’s statement to sign an endorsement on the policy for drivers with a record of reckless driving violations.
  • Most insurers will require a doctor’s statement to sign an endorsement on the policy for drivers with gaps in their insurance coverage.
  • You may also be denied insurance if you have multiple DUI or DWI convictions.
  • If you have multiple tickets or an at-fault accident on your driving record, you may not be able to get motorcycle insurance. 
  • If you have had your car repossessed, you may not be able to get motorcycle insurance. 

Parting Thoughts 

You may be denied motorcycle insurance if you have a habit of reckless or unsafe driving. Habitual offenders are not welcomed in the insurance market, and this is especially true for motorcycles. 

If you have a DUI or DWI conviction on your driving record, you will have a more challenging time getting motorcycle insurance. 

Also, without experience, you may not get motorcycle insurance. For inquiries and help, consult the San Antonio, TX firm, Versatile Insurance Planners.

Do businesses in San Antonio need commercial insurance?

The San Antonio, TX area continues to experience growth and improvements in the local economy. This can make it a great community to invest in and start a business. While a lot of value comes with business ownership here, you will need to have the right insurance to mitigate various risks that come with owning a business. There are multiple reasons that a business will need to have this coverage for your business. 

Comply with Requirements

Businesses in this area of Texas will need to have coverage because they will have various insurance requirements. Many who choose to start a business will take out loans, raise capital, and sign other agreements that will mandate they maintain certain types and levels of coverage. If you get the right insurance in place, it can ensure you remain appropriately covered. 

Ensure Business is Covered

Another reason that a business owner should get a commercial insurance plan is to ensure their company is appropriately covered. There are various forms of coverage included with a commercial insurance plan. This includes offering liability insurance and giving coverage to protect all of your core assets. Ultimately, if there is a challenging situation that results in a loss, this coverage can help protect your business’s solvency.

A business that operates in the San Antonio, TX area will always find that having proper commercial insurance is a good idea. When you are looking to get insurance for your business, calling the team with Versatile Insurance Planners is a great option. The professionals with Versatile Insurance Planners understand the value of this coverage, and they can provide the guidance you need to build your next plan and policy. 

Is it time to upgrade your motorcycle insurance policy?

San Antonio, TX area motorcycle riders can rely on Versatile Insurance Planners for all of their insurance needs, including motorcycle policies. We want to ensure that our friends and neighbors have the protection they need when they’re out riding their bikes! We provide comprehensive policies, primary policies, and just about everything in between!

Benefits of a comprehensive motorcycle insurance policy

Basic motorcycle policies typically offer the bare minimum of coverage. Motorcycle riders who have recently upgraded their bikes may also want to look into upgrading their motorcycle insurance policy. One of the main benefits of a comprehensive motorcycle policy is the additional protection and coverage for injuries that require medical attention.

Additionally, it’s important to cover your bike from loss, theft, or damage. There is also protection available for coverage in the event of an accident that involves an uninsured driver. Oftentimes, it is much better to be over rather than underinsured. These are just a few of the many great benefits that a more comprehensive motorcycle insurance policy can provide.

Your local agent can go over the available options with you as you determine what type and level of coverage are appropriate for your needs. It is also a great idea to have your bike policy reviewed on a regular basis to make sure that your coverage keeps pace with your needs. 

Let us help with all your motorcycle insurance needs!

Versatile Insurance Planners San Antonio, TX is here to provide you with the information necessary to inform your insurance decisions. There are many benefits to comprehensive motorcycle insurance policies. Call or stop by our office to find out more!

Do I Need to Carry Motorcycle Insurance All Year?

Winters have been chilly down in San Antonio, TX, so you may not be riding your motorcycle as much during the colder months. Versatile Insurance Planners know that everybody could use an extra dollar or two, so you might be considering how to lower your insurance bill for a vehicle you’re using less.

Don’t Drop Your Insurance

Always keep your motorcycle insured. First, your motorcycle is still vulnerable to theft, fire, and other damage while in storage. Getting into a new policy can take time once riding season comes around again, and you might forget that you canceled it with the intent of renewing it later. Saving a small amount is not worth it compared to the potential damage from a stolen bike or riding without insurance.

Options for Variable Coverage

Although you shouldn’t drop motorcycle coverage, your insurance provider will likely have options to reduce your coverage based on your usage. That way, you can keep coverage like theft and fire while avoiding the costs of active usage.

Depending on the provider, the lessened coverage may be something that you discuss with them as needed, or they could have lay-up policies with a preset time period where your bike is expected to be in storage. Some versions might allow you a limited amount of collision and other on-the-road coverage in case you need to use the bike on occasion. The versatility of insurance makes it difficult to tell you all your options without more details, but you can expect a demonstration of lower risk to have some sort of benefit.

Ask an Agent for Help

Insurance agents like us at Versatile Insurance Planners help consumers understand their choices and find a provider with the insurance options that suit their needs. Residents of San Antonio, TX and surrounding Bexar county can contact us at any time.

How commercial insurance can save my small business

Texas has more than 2.6 million small businesses. In fact, 99.8 percent of all businesses in Texas are small businesses. Each year, thousands of new businesses open, and many of them struggle to stay open. Multiple challenges and hazards face small businesses and, with the right commercial insurance, you have a better chance to save your small business. In San Antonio, TX,  Versatile Insurance Planners has an experienced team that will work with you to customize your commercial insurance for your business. 

Protect your business

If your location suffers damage, think burst pipe, fire, or theft it could put you out of business. If you have commercial insurance, you may still have to close down for a couple of days while repairs are done and supplies are replaced, but you will still be able to do business. If you don’t have insurance, unless you have a lot of cash or credit, you will be out of business potentially forever. 

Surviving a legal suit

If your small business gets sued, how would you get the legal advice that you need to fight the action against you? You can be sued by a client, a vendor, a customer, or even an employee. How would you pay a judgment against you? If you have commercial liability insurance, it will help you to survive the worst-case scenario.  

Business interruption insurance

When a covered peril happens to your business, you may not be able to conduct business for a period of time. When you aren’t doing business, your income flow stops but, unfortunately, your expenses do not. With business interruption insurance, you will be able to pay your bills and to give your employees and yourself a salary. It definitely can save your business.

Contact Versatile Insurance Planners in San Antonio, TX when you are ready to protect your small business. 

Who should get a motorcycle insurance plan in San Antonio?

Those that live in the San Antonio, TX area know how large the metro area is. Due to this, having a reliable and efficient mode of transportation is important. A motorcycle can be a great option for those in this part of Texas due to the great weather, which makes it a practical option for most of the year. If you get a motorcycle, you should get insurance for a few reasons. 

Cover Motorcycle

A reason you should get this coverage is so you can protect your motorcycle. Anyone that is going to buy a motorcycle will be making a purchase that they will want to cover and protect. When you invest in a full insurance plan for the motorcycle, you will know you are protected if the bike is stolen or you are involved in an accident. 

Legal Compliance

You should also get an insurance plan for your motorcycle to ensure you remain in legal compliance. Similar to other states, drivers here are required to carry liability insurance if they want to drive a motorcycle on a public road. With this coverage, you will know that you have the ability to cover damages in an auto accident. If you do not have this insurance, you will not have the protection and will also be out of compliance with the law. 

Motorcycle owners in San Antonio, TX will need to have the right insurance. As you are looking for a motorcycle insurance policy in this area of Texas, calling Versatile Insurance Planners can be helpful. There are different factors to consider when you are looking for motorcycle insurance and the Versatile Insurance Planners can help you build a plan that will give you the right protection. This will ensure you remain properly covered and can continue to enjoy your motorcycle.